TPL Trakker

Automobile Assemblers


Automobile Assemblers

Automobile Assemblers Challenges

The automobile industry faces challenges with acquisition of custom hardware, which TPL Trakker overcomes with tailored, innovative solutions.

Quality Components

Custom-Built Hardware

Automobile Assemblers Solutions

Auto Hardware Solutions

By saving up to 15% on fuel consumption and efficiently reducing loss or wasted fuel, an automated fuel management system can provide fleet organizations with a much higher level of accountability. TPL Trakker provides an automatic fuel management system to prevent fuel tampering with fuel nozzles via RFID readers. This ensures automatic recording of dispensed fuel, eliminates human error, provides run-time inventory status of fuel tanks to ensure proper inventory control at the fuel station, and delivers a comprehensive analysis of fuel usage history.

Automobile Assembler

Case Studies


CHALLENGE: In collaboration with an undisclosed automobile assembler, TPL Trakker integrated its advanced auto hardware into the assembler's vehicles, including info-tainment software, detection hardware and sensors, navigation software, tire pressure monitoring and a wide range of various systems.

SOLUTION: These solutions provide real-time data on vehicle location, performance, and diagnostics, enabling the assembler to produce top-of-the-line products that meet and surpass industry standards, guaranteeing customer satisfaction.

RESULTS: By leveraging cutting-edge IoT technology, TPL Trakker’s helps the assembler stay ahead in the competitive automotive market, ensuring greater efficiency in production and higher visibility on the showroom floor.

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